On August 4th 2020, the Capital and heart of Lebanon, Beirut, was devastated by a huge explosion. The city was left in ruins within seconds.
The damage is unimaginable , and it only added salt to the many existing wounds: economic collapse, social upheaval, and a Pandemic. One is too many for any nation.

The Beirut Emergency Fund was launched by LebNet, SEAL and LIFE, three reputed 501c3 US registered Lebanese Diaspora nonprofit organizations, and joined by non-governmental US-based Kuwait America Foundation and the Jamhour Alumni (in Europe and the US).
Responding quickly to help Lebanese in these excruciating times and facilitate tax deductible donations from the US to Lebanon, LebNet launched the Beirut Emergency Fund 2020, in collaboration with SEAL and LIFE, two reputed 501c3 US registered Lebanese Diaspora nonprofit organizations, and joined by non-governmental US-based Kuwait America Foundation and the Jamhour Alumni (in Europe and the US).
The fund is also collaborating with Impact Lebanon on the allocation and disbursement of funds to avoid any duplication in funding. The Fund is collaborating with Qudurat and Ruwwad Al Tanmeya, among other Lebanese NGOs on the ground, with the support of 3QA, to ensure that the funds are disbursed in a coordinated and transparent manner to well vetted Lebanese NGOs that focus on Shelter, Food, Medication, Medical Support, Rehabilitation and Environment.
The list of vetted NGOs includes AlGhina, Arcenciel, Beit El Baraka, Lebanon Needs, Lebanese Red Cross, Nusaned and Offre Joie. More organizations will be added to the list on a regular basis so make sure you visit the fund’s page for the updated list.
LebNet has previously partnered with SEAL in April 2020 to help raise $1 million to feed families in need in Lebanon, through several partners on the ground. “We were overwhelmed by offers of support from friends and colleagues and wanted to offer them a reliable and trustworthy platform for their US Tax deductible donations. We’re so privileged to have great reputable partners like SEAL and LIFE who quickly agreed to establish the Beirut Emergency Fund 2020 to be that vehicle for donations and we continue to on-board new partners who believe in the power of collaboration for Good,” said George Akiki, LebNet CEO.
LebNet members, Lebanese supporters and friends living in Canada can also donate safely online by visiting this link. LebNet Canada partnered with The Canadian Red Cross to provide tax deductible donations.
“The humanitarian needs in Beirut are immense following the recent explosion, which has exacerbated an already dire humanitarian situation in a country that is currently hosting the largest number of refugees per capita and is struggling with environmental and economic uncertainties,” said Fadi Joseph, President of LebNet Canada. Some of the most urgent needs on the ground include emergency medical services, shelter, food and water; and personal protective equipment as responders provide life-saving care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
For US donations click here: https://www.seal-usa.org/BeirutEmergencyFund
For Canada donations click here: http://www.redcross.ca/lebanon/Lebnet-Canada
Featured image from Reuters.