Cisco Warmth Breaks the Ice in Lebanon
Cisco Warmth Breaks the Ice in Lebanon
Photo of children in classroom
There are 1.4 million Syrian refugees in Lebanon and half of them are children. The Cisco Lebanon team provided warm clothing to refugees at a camp near the border with
Apr 14, 2016 LebNet Panel Event: Intersection of Leading Edge Hardware, Firmware and Software

Unite Lebanon Youth Project – Saturday April 16, 2016
Click here for more information:
Unite Lebanon Youth Project
Date: Saturday, April 16, 2016
Time: 4:30-6 pm
Location: Arab American Cultural Center of the Silicon Valley
Address: 3968 Twilight Drive San Jose, CA 95125
RSVP by 4/13 to Maha Neouchy at [email protected]
Please join us at the Arab American Cultural Center of the Silicon Valley for
a chance to
Apr 9, 2016 LebNet Sponsored Event: LCN 2016 @ UCLA

LebNet is a proud sponsored of the annual Lebanese Collegiate Network at UCLA.
LebNet previous Bard member, Raed ElMurib delivered a workshop on M&A, to 2 groups of more than 40 students/young professionals.
Audience was very much engaged and interested.
An average of 20 participants shared that they were involved in the startup business.
FADEL ranked in Top 30 Fastest Growing Companies in 2016
FADEL was named one of 2016’s Top 30 Fastest Growing Companies by The Silicon Review. The publication’s latest issue features some of the most dynamic companiesthat have made significant contributions in the field of Business and Technology.
“Technology like FADEL’s is
Silicon Valley to host the 2016 Global Entrepreneurship Summit
Silicon Valley to host the 2016 Global Entrepreneurship Summit
By Catherine Cheney 18 November 2015U.S. President Barack Obama announces the 2016 Global Entrepreneurship Summit will take place in “the birthplace of modern innovation.”
U.S. President Barack Obama announced Wednesday that Silicon Valley will be the next host for the 2016 Global Entrepreneurship Summit. The annual conference, which
New insights on what makes emerging market entrepreneurship accelerators work
New insights on what makes emerging market entrepreneurship accelerators work
By Adva Saldinger @deveximpact28 March 2016
A new report examines the effectiveness of accelerators and incubators working in development. Photo by: Village Capital
Accelerators work, but the best ways to help entrepreneurs may surprise many startup veterans, according to a report released Monday that, for the first time, examines
Startup Ecosystem Megaphone, by Samer Karam
Hello and welcome to STEM (STartup Ecosystem Megaphone), a series of short, plain-text weekly updates about the Lebanese startup ecosystem.
In this STEM, I’ll be covering Startups On A Plane’s Dubai & Tehran Trip, Krimston TWO’s Kickstarter Launch, UNICEF & Techfugees’ Youth Innovation Workshop, and Startup Megaphone’s London Entrepreneurs Dinner.
On April 3, Startups On
Mar 21, 2016 Social & Tech Mixer Event

Dr. Magid Abraham Receives Advertising Research Foundation’s Lifetime Achievement Award
Dr. Magid Abraham Receives Advertising Research Foundation’s Lifetime Achievement AwardcomScore chairman and co-founder honored for significant contributions to the industry
New comScore logo
RESTON, Va., March 16, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Today, at The Advertising Research Foundation’s (The ARF) Re:Think
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