Decoding Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies: April 5th, 2018
As the first event in this topic series across LebNet expansion branches, we held an event on April 5th in San Francisco hosted by Rippleto decode, discuss, and further understand what the Blockchain phenomenon is all about with Christopher Kanaan (SVP Engineering at Ripple) and distinguished panelists:
Alex Malamatinas Managing Partner at Nebari Ventures (Remote form NYC)
Arnaud Auger, Senior
LebNet Ignite#6 February 26-March 9th 2018
On February 26-March 9 2018, LebNet Ignite#6 powered by Blackbox kicked off to what would become a memorable week of growth. Out of five Lebanese startups nominated by LebNet and @speedlebanon, two were handpicked by LebNet and Blackbox to head to Silicon Valley to elevate and supercharge their businesses.
Congrats to Nour Atrissi, Founder of
Private Exclusive Dinner with the new Dean of Engineering @ AUB- Jan 21st, 2018

We kicked off 2018 with an exclusive evening with Dr. Alan Shihadeh, new Dean of the Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (SFEA) who was visiting the Bay Area.
In addition to his newly appointed role as Dean, Dr. Shihadeh currently serves as an advisor to the FDA, a scientific expert to the WHO, and a Project
Newsletter December 2017
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Read MoreWhere Are They Now? Catching up with LebNet Ignite Alumni
An integral part of the Mentoring Program at LebNet is fostering long-term relationships between our Mentors and Startups. Our Mentors are more than Coaches- they are partners that remain a source of guidance and support for our Member Startups to optimize their chances of success.
We caught up with some our LebNet Ignite Alumni startups
Member In The Spotlight Dec 2017: Richard Rabbat, Co-Founder/CEO of Gfycat
It’s not every day we come across a well established Lebanese entrepreneur with an exceptional career trajectory- someone who has emigrated from Lebanon and achieved the American dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur while staying close to their Lebanese roots through community engagement and contribution.
That’s why we’re so excited to feature Richard
Bay Area Annual Cross Tech Dinner: The Power of Science, Dec. 13th, 2017
On Dec. 13th, we held our annual cross tech dinner event, to celebrate 2017 and showcase how Biotechnology can be used to advance progress in many different fields and various areas of our lives.
Morever, it was the first LebNet event ever to feature an all women panel of distinguished, talented individuals from various career stages.
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LebNet Holiday Dinner Party in Boston: Dec. 12, 2017
On Dec. 12th, LebNet held our first exclusive kick off event in Boston!
For our first event, our Boston expansion selected a small group of the most influential and distinguished Boston-based Lebanese tech professionals to come together for a celebratory evening.
Attendees enjoyed great food, networked with fellow tech professionals and contributed their ideas towards
LebNet Holiday Happy Hour in New York: Dec. 12, 2017
LebNeters of New York celebrated the holiday season on Dec. 12th, 2017 at the Hudson Hotel in NYC. Our NYC Expansion team did a great job in attracting new LebNet Members by bringing fellow industry leaders together for fantastic networking and a great time. Our member base continues to grow with every event!
Special thanks
IDAL Monthly Newsletter – November 2017
Read IDAL Monthly Newsletter here.
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