LebNet Goes to Seattle: Nov. 8th, 2017

We came, we saw, and we had a blast in Seattle!
On Nov. 8th, we held our first event in Seattle as part of our national expansion strategy. We attracted a diverse audience who we were invited to learn about LebNet’s initiatives across the country.
Elie Habib, Co-Founder of LebNet based in Silicon Valley attended
Newsletter- Sept 2017
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Read MoreLebNet in San Diego October 19th, 2017
The law firm of Knobbe Martens was the host for a LebNet event in San Diego focused on the importance of Intellectual Property, on October 19th.
Fram Akiki opened the evening and introduced Mark Abumeri, Partner, Knobbe Martens IP Law. Mark, who also teaches patent law, presented an overview of the importance and various methods
Founder in Focus: Will Kanaan, Co-Founder of Bellgram
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I have started my career as a software engineer and worked for several startups in the valley, but spent most of my career at Google where I held several managerial positions in engineering, product & partnerships.
How did you become an entrepreneur and how did the idea
Member In The Spotlight: Fram Akiki
Fram Akiki, veteran high tech entrepreneur and LebNet expansion ambassador took the time to chat with us about his path to success and why LebNet matters.
Tell us about yourself.
My family comes from the Kesouran region of Lebanon, with my dad from Kfardebian and my mom from Baaktouta. My wife, Jeanine Farah
LebNet Goes to Boston: Sept, 2nd, 2017.
As part of our East Coast expansion plan, LebNet went to Boston for the first time and it was a great success!
On September 2nd, 2017 we were pleased to collaborate with the prestigious AUB Computer Science Chapter by participating in the first AUB Computer Science Alumni Reunion in North America.
George Akiki (LebNet President
Speed Lebanon Accelerator Meets LebNet: Sept. 18th.
LebNet never stops! On Monday Sept 18th, we held our Speed Lebanon Accelerator Meets LebNet event in San Francisco and the SF crowd really brought their energy!
We kicked off with Sami Abou Saab (CEO of Speed Lebanon) and Fares Samara (CTO of Speed Lebanon) discussing their Accelerator and the benefits/challenges of being a startup in Lebanon.
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LebNet Ignite#5 Powered by Blackbox Connect Aug. 14th-25th 2017
The fifth edition of LebNet Ignite took place August 14th-25th, 2017. We partnered with Blackbox Connect to power another awesome accelerator program
Two high potential startups from Speed Lebanon’s six month accelerator program were selected to fly from Lebanon to Silicon Valley.
Ibrahim Ezzedine and Basel Jalaleddine from Cherpa along with Samir El Zein from Neotic
U.S. Government Supports New Digital Platform for Lebanon to Engage the Diaspora
U.S. Government Supports New Digital Platform for Lebanon to Engage the Diaspora
by Naharnet, August 11, 2017
U.S. Ambassador Elizabeth Richard joined Prime Minister Hariri on Thursday to launch the Diaspora Investment and Development platform, developed with the support of a $1,050,000 grant from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
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Member In the Spotlight July 2017: Dr. Anthony Asher
At LebNet, we strive to be a platform to support and nurture entrepreneurship across the diaspora as well as in Lebanon. For this reason, we are especially pleased to feature Tony Asher as a LebNet member who reflects this mission. Tony is a multi-faceted individual, public figure, and philanthropist who has