Dear LebNeters:
First, I would like to welcome Habib Haddad to our board of directors. Habib is President and Managing Director of E14 fund and has been a long-time member and friend of LebNet. He is based in Boston. We’re very excited as Habib comes with innovative and fresh ideas to expand our network and improve on its value proposition.
Additionally, I would like to make a call to action.
Our membership is growing at an average yearly rate of 20% and our brand is widely recognized. We continue to face high demand for LebNet member services and it feels we’re in constant ideation mode for new and improved programs to support our members, our students, and Lebanese startups. To those of you who are selflessly volunteering as mentors to the young entrepreneurs, we are forever grateful and we appreciate you keeping the LebNet executive committee on its toes with your feedback and innovative suggestions for new services.
At the current level of effort, we’re still adding tremendous value: averaging 10 events per year, hosting 12 Lebanese startups per year in Silicon Valley as part of the LebNet Ignite program, creating more organic mentoring relationships, and expanding geographically in North America. BUT we’re passionate (some might argue: insane) and we want to kick it up to the next level and for that, we need to scale hence we need more volunteers to lead initiatives.
We invite you to propose ideas you’re willing to lead while leveraging the LebNet platform to progress our mission:
a. Strengthen the members network
b. Nurture the next generation of tech professionals
c. Connect with Lebanon’s entrepreneurship ecosystem and give-back by sharing your expertise
Finally, I hope you enjoy this edition of our newsletter which features Fram Akiki championing our expansion in San Diego and Will Kanaan, co-founder of Bellgram and a dedicated mentor.
George Akiki, LebNet President and Co-Founder