Sept 25, 2015: MITEF 2015 MENTORSHIP DAY

Once again, LebNet is proud to share that we were able to line up the required number of mentors for

the Mentorship Day, organized by MITEFarab Silicon Valley 2015 program. LebNet has been involved in

securing the best experts for this week long events.

Thanks to you all, we are holding up to our reputation as the prime network of Lebanese High Tech

professionals in the diaspora, based in Silicon Valley.

We would like to express our special thanks to our distinguished members who volunteered their time

to represent LebNet in the MITEFarab Silicon Valley program.

More opportunities will be coming for those of you who could not make this call. Here are some pictures

from the event with LebNet member participation.

Hurry up! Register now online and join us on Saturday, September 19th from 3:30pm to 7:30pm in

Sunnyvale, Bayland Park, Pickleweed Picnic area for a half day of inspiration, motivation and networking.

Appetizers and soft drinks will be provided. Please bring a dish to share. This event is open to all LebNet

families and their guests. A fee of $5.00 per person will be charged (US credit cards accepted). Register

online here.


3:30pm Arrival and networking

5pm Drone

iTech: LebNet شبكة للمهنيين اللبنانيين الأميركيين في قطاع التكنولوجيا